Q: What is the mission of Unite for Rights?
A: “The mission of Unite for Rights is to unite people, nonprofits, businesses and governments to create an International Bill of Rights that is enforceable in the courts of all countries”. To achieve Unite’s mission, here is a picture of the map to enforce rights in the courts of all countries. The courts shown are in addition to the domestic courts of all countries. Cases arrising from an International Bill of Rights can be brought in the domestic national courts as well as the regional and international courts shown on the map. You can learn more about the map (and see it better) by clicking on the blow up of the map below. THIS MAP SHOWS THE ULTIMATE OUTCOME GOAL OF UNITE FOR RIGHTS! – rights being enforced in the courts of all countries!
Q: How does Unite for Rights carry out its mission?
A: Unite for Rights brings people, nonprofits, businesses and governments together to do two things: 1) Become a light on the spinning globe on the homepage to show support for the idea of an International Bill of Rights that is enforceable in the courts of all countries. 2) Those who become lights on the globe (“Uniters”) are asked to contribute their thoughts on what should be included in an International Bill of Rights
Q: What program does Unite for Rights have to carry out its mission?
A: Unite for Rights has three primary program pieces: 1) To work with “Uniters”, any person, nonprofit, business or government who has become a light on the globe, to outreach with others to become lights; 2) To encourage those who have become lights on the globe “Uniters” to contribute their thoughts on the Unite website about what they think should be included in an International Bill of Rights by posting comments on the draft International Bill of Rights document; 3) To advocate for the strengthening and expansion of the Regional Courts system shown on the map above, including raising philanthropic funding for the remodeling of existing Regional Courts and the building of new ones.
Q: How does a person, nonprofit, business or government participate in the drafting of an International Bill of Rights?
A: Unite for Rights uses a “Drafting Through Dialogue” process through which “Drafters”, anyone who would like to suggest wording to add, or to remove, from the draft International Bill of Rights, are encouraged to do so by putting their comments on the Unite for Rights website. Every suggestion is responded to, also on the website. In this way, the development of the document, including a new booklet Version each year, printed and digital, is completly transparent.
Q: Who should participate in the drafting of an International Bill of Rights?
A: All comments are given equal weight. It is the weight of comment, not the position of the person, nonprofit, business or government, that matters. Beauty is the standard of review, not what is acceptable to present leaders or governments. Every Drafter is asked to approach their writing from the same perspective: A Drafter should intentially remove their bias towards their particular country, and dispatch with thinking about what one country might or might not accept. To achieve this, the Drafting through Dialougue process applies a “Veil of Ignorance” originated by the insightful philosopher, John Rawls. That is, every Drafter must consider the best International Bill of Rights possible, assuming that, after the Bill of Rights is drafted and implemented, they may emerge in any country, at any income level and position.
Q: Is Unite for Rights Liberal or Conservative?
A: At its core, Unite for Rights is conservative. An International Bill of Rights is conservative. All power to govern is derived from the people governed, not some biological lineage like a king, or religious position. When the people give some of their power to a few elected people to govern them, they have every right to place restrictions on the representatives to whom they bestow a partial amount of their power, not all of it.
This conservation of power by those governed is what Yuval Noah Harari calls a “self correcting mechanism.” It is forseeable that those given the power to govern will usurp it. For this reason, because humans can read and write, it is wise to draft a document that governs those who govern. This is the purpose of a Bill of Rights. It is a self correcting mechanism. That is, when a representative exceeds their power, coupled with a strong, independent judiciary, a self correction, court decisions, can be obtained by those governed. This fundamental, conservative, principle lies at the heart of Unite for Rights. An International Bill of Rights is an international self correcting mechanism that protects the right of all people on Earth to place limits on the power of those who govern, and enforce those limits in court.
It is noteworthy that this self correction is non-violent. Unite for Rights never calls for or condones violence. It is the rule of law, enforced in the courts of all countries, that brings about the self correction.
Q: What educational program does Unite for Rights have to carry out its mission?
A: Educational Curriculum including lesson plans, articles, books, music and movies, teach all of humanity, particularly students of all ages in all countries, about the the international social movement underway for humanity to reach an agreement to live together built upon an International Bill of Rights. Students are asked not only read and consider what has been written in the draft International Bill of Rights, but also contribute their own suggestions about what rights should be included. In this manner, all “Uniters” and “Drafters” personally participate in crafting the life they want to live.
Q: How will the International Bill of Rights be implemented?
A: This “Drafting Through Dialogue” process will lead to the International Bill of Rights on the website being submitted to the Human Rights Council, the International Law Commission, and the United Nations General Assembly, so that an International Bill of Rights, including a system of Regional Courts and an International Court of Human Rights, can be in operation by the year 2048, the 100th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Q: What is the ultimate goal of Unite for Rights?
A: The goal is to revive an overstory in all countries that unenforceable human rights are transitioning into civil rights, human rights that are enforceable in the courts of all countries. By following the plan of Eleanor Roosevelt, Rene Cassin, John Humphrey and others in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that the rights in the UDHR become enforcable and “fully realized” (Article 28 of the UDHR), an International Bill of Rights, with an international judicial architecture grounded in the local courts of all countries, and subject to judicial review by Regional Courts, is the next step in humanity’s evolution.
Given people as they are, Unite for Rights brings out the best, and restrains the worst, in them. “Uniters” and “Drafters” do not change the world – they provide something into which the existing international desire for rights, such as environmental rights, can flow. Unite facilitates the change afoot in the world for humanity to mature from its adolesence, warring nation states, to a young adult, an international community. Nation states will not go away, nor should they. People and businesses will thrive within all nations, by embracing fundamental rights for all, regardless of country. Strong, independent courts will ensure that athoritarians can never remove those rights.
Q. Isn’t it better to spend time and resources to help people with immediate needs such as giving a starving person something to eat, or a child the medicine they need?
A. Yes, it is better! However, the immediate and the long term are not mutually exclusive. There is a good story that highlights this answer:
- There was a town by a river and one day bodies started floating down the river, some injured and many of them dead. The people in the town were caring and immediately started pulling bodies out of the water. The bodies kept coming so they started building facilities by the river so they could help more people effectively. One day, as a young woman was helping others to pull a body out of the water, she looked up and said “we should continue to pull these bodies out of the water, but shouldn’t somebody go take a look upstream.”
Unite for Rights is for the millions internationally who are ready to go upstream. Unite only seeks 1% of individuals, nonprofits, businesses and governments to participate in the Drafting Through Dialogue” process – those who have the imagination and courage to go upstream. Unite for Rights supports 99% of all energy and money going to immediate needs to get the bodies out of the river of violence, discrimination and war, and to have 1% go for the trek upstream to implement an International Bill of Rights which will dramatically reduce the flow of bodies downstream.
Thank you for taking the trek with us.
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