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Here you can provide any news article, essay or image that supports the existing wording of Article 15, or supports a change of the wording. The goal is to provide content that can be used to draft the best possible wording for Article 15.
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Article 34 Enforcement of Decisions
Decisions of the International Court of Human Rights are enforceable through the domestic courts in the country from which the case arises. Failure of any government to comply with the decisions of the Court may result in expulsion from the International Bill of Rights treaty following a vote of two thirds of the Judges of the Court.
Article 33 Court Decisions
A written decision by the majority of the Chamber, in either a Regional Court, or the International Court, shall be published in an official reporter. Dissenting opinions shall also be published, and each judge may write separately or join in an opinion by a group.
Article 32 Hearings
Once a case invoking IBOR guarantees has been brought and admitted at either Domestic or Regional Courts, or the International Court, oral argument shall be the norm and a transcript available to the public shall be made. The public and the media may attend. Regional Courts shall establish their own hearing procedures, but Chambers must be subject to review by three quarters of the Regional Court, randomly selected, if a majority votes to review the decision of a Chamber. Chambers of fifteen judges will hear cases before the International Court, fourteen of them randomly selected, along with the judge from the country in which the case arises. A Chamber’s decision may be reviewed by the full Court if a majority of the judges on the Court agrees to review it.
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