INTRODUCTION (See Table of Contents for Blogs Below)
The mission of Unite for Rights is to unite people, nonprofits, businesses and governments to create an International Bill of Rights that is enforceable in the courts of all countries.
These blogs, along with the Unite for Rights YouTube channel, Unite for Rights Podcasts, and the website, are designed to facilitate two actions by “Uniters”, 1) To become a “light for rights” on the Unite for Rights spinning globe. 2) To make a suggestion about what rights, as a “Uniter” you would include in an International Bill of Rights.
To this end, the Blogs are written to be read and commented upon.
The author of these blogs, unless otherwise specified on the blog as a guest blogger, is Dr. John Kirk Boyd, the CEO/Founder of Unite for Rights. The purpose is dialogue to inspire action.
Looking at daily events, and published once a week, on Mondays at noon, the blogs often ask the reader to consider how an International Bill of Rights would help solve some of humanity’s most pressing problems, such as war and the rise of athoritarianism.
The blogs are also a useful way to discuss issues raised in the “drafting through dialogue” section of the website that includes a draft International Bill of Rights (IBOR) and encourages people, nonprofits, businesses and governments to contribute their thoughts about what rights should be included in the IBOR draft.
The blog entries are numbered and titled for ease of review on a particular topic. You can skim them and pick one that interests you. Click on a blog title and it will take you right to that blog. The first 10 blogs define the essence of the mission, planning, philosophy and funding of Unite for Rights. The next 10 tell the story of Unite for Rights; why it is worthwhile for you to participate.
Do not be among the apathetic, or even among those who reflect, but do not act. Take a minute (it’s truly less than a minute), to add your name and country and join with others internationally on the spinning globe to show your support for an International Bill of Rights.
Thank you.
#1 – 1/1/25 – The Essence of Unite for Rights
#2 – 1/1/25 – The Mission of Unite for Rights
#3 – 1/1/25- The International Judicial Architecture of Unite for Rights
#4 – 1/1/25 – Imagination and Courage are the Backbone for Unite for Rights
#5 – 1/1/25 – Unite for Rights is a Plan for Humanity
#6 – 1/1/25 – The Philosophical Foundation for Unite for Rights
#7 – 1/1/25- International Perspective for Unite for Rights
#8 – 1/1/25 – 1% of People, Nonprofits, Businesses and Governments to Unite
#9 – 1/1/25 – 1% of Philanthropy for Unite
#10 – 1/1/25 – Love Powers Unite for Rights
#11 – 1/3/25 – Uniters Think About What is Optimum
#12 – 1/5/25 – A Map of the Outcome of Unite for Rights
#13 – 1/6/25 – Unite for Future Generations
#14 – 1/8/25 – Unite Helps Correct the Past with the Future
#15 – 1/9/25 – Unite’s Response to Naysayers
#16 – 1/10/25 – San Francisco, the Birthplace of an International Bill of Rights
#17 – 1/12/25 – $1,000 Euro Award for a Better Plan for Humanity Than Unite for Rights
#18 – 1/27/25 – Unite for Democracy
#19 – 2/3/25 – Unite is Independent
#20 – 2/10/25 – The Unite Logo, Uniting in Fragmentary Times
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