All power to govern emanates from the people through their choice of representatives and not from military position, religion, caste, heredity or any non-elective title or position. Starting at 18 years of age, anyone has the right to run for office and to be elected through a secret ballot. To ensure opportunities for widespread participation in the process and protect against corruption, no elected representative will serve more than 18 years in one position. The government will provide funds and other means to candidates for national office to reach the public, as defined by law. Only individuals, not corporations or other entities, shall be allowed to contribute money or other assets to candidates or ballot measures, but individuals may contribute as a group as long as the amount given by each member of the group is made public. The total annual contribution by any individual, whether it is to one candidate or divided among several candidates and ballot measures, shall not exceed three times the median income for the country in which the person resides.
Based on what is presently happening in the United States, you can see that one of the primary purposes of IBOR is to create an independent judiciary that can withstand an authoritarian who has lost, but refuses to leave office.
A key part of Article 11 is that the right to represent your peers is something you earn, not from being born into a royal family or part of a particular religion, but because others have chosen you.