War again! Having just returned to the U.S. from Poland and talking with people from Bucha where Putin used cluster bombs over civilian residences and then bombed the hospitals after they went to remove the shrapnel stuck in them, the most common comment I hear is “I can’t believe what Putin is doing.” Believe it. It’s no surprise; it’s a repeat.
After WWI, Eleanor Roosevelt argued strenuously that we needed to have a World Court based on fundamental rights to prevent despots from seizing control and waging war. Unfortunately, political forces, including in the US, prevented this from happening. Then came Hitler.
After 60 million killed, Eleanor again tried to empower humans to restrain despots through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Again, it hasn’t worked. It’s not her fault, it’s our fault. As much as human rights organizations trumpet the UDHR, it has not been sufficiently implemented, it lacks the power of law. Incremental efforts have been insufficient – hence we have another war.
This is not to say that incrementalism has been worthless. It has cultivated the ground to where people internationally are unwilling to live under despots, as the Ukrainians are courageously showing the rest of us. We must arm them and support them. Putin’s outdated authoritarian view of the world must be thwarted, even if it means using heavy military to stop him.
But we must also plan for the peace. Eleanor and others did this long before the end of WWII. They called for and worked for an “International Bill of Rights,” enforceable in the courts of all countries. It’s time to look back to see our way forward. There will always be brutes and despots. The only way, even in democracies, to be free of authoritarian rule is if there are independent courts and judges, with the power to enforce a Bill of Rights.
So if you don’t like the war, stop saying you don’t believe it and act. That’s what Eleanor did. Continue her movement by becoming a “light for rights” on this website showing the world that you support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Eleanor’s greatest accomplish, with others, on its 75th anniversary.
Fight war; fight despotism; take 30 seconds to join with others. Be a light for rights!