The first nine blog posts provide the mission, plan, perspective, participation and funding for Unite for Rights. What is left for the 10th blog (the first 10 blogs comprise the essence of Unite for Rights) is the source of power to accomplish all of these things. It is love.
Each of us desires a sense of purpose and well-being in our lives, and, generally, we wish this for those we love. The question, then, is who do we love? Each other.
This is why a core principle for Unite is that when a child is born anywhere on Earth, the rest of us clap. Why? – because a fellow human is born and we love that baby as part of our human family. The stories that child is told creates the life that they lead. The stories we are teaching them are not good enough, they are myopic, nation based, which is fine, they should not be discarded, but the children (and adults too) need regional and international stories as well.
The generation you see in the photo above will head out into space. It’s flegling now, but humanity’s destiny. As we go, we are better off being a family than warring factions.
The nationality, language, religion, freedom, values of those two babies turn on what they are taught. It may be that these may change, nationality for example, but this too depends on what they are taught, what they are allowed to change – what rights they have. An International Bill of Rights is a core story that all humans tell each other. As the author Malcolm Gladwell would describe it- Unite for Rights, and the International Bill of Rights it is drafting, is an “overstory” – it applies to all of us, wherever on Earth we may be.
Unite for Rights leads to a different ending than the stories we are presently telling across Earth. The stories on the path we are currently traveling lead to the ruin of our biosphere, the thin blue line of life encircling Earth, of which humans are a part.
The expansion of the police state infiltrates all aspects of our lives, monitoring what we do, and punishing us for daring to question authority, when we, the common people, are the authority for those who govern;
The militarization of space, whereby we take our failed social order on Earth (we spend over 2 trillion dollars a year preparing to kill and control each other) and move it out into interstellar spheres, along with the disparity of wealth to where 2% of the population now own 80% of the entire planet, lead to the lack of well-being for the majority of people, and other species, on Earth. This is not a loving way to leave our planet for future generations. No one needs to sit on 18 karat gold plated toilets.
As Malcolm Gladwell has written: “The world we could have is so much richer than the one that we have settled for.” We can do better.
Our ability to read and write gives us the means to change; it’s love that gives us the power. Great leaders love others as they love themselves. Eleanor Roosevelt loved people – all of them. Same with Gandhi, King, Mandela, and this is true throughout the arts, as Lenny Kravitz sings, in “Here to Love”, “We must all unite … when you’ve seen the light, there’s nowhere else to go… no walls could seperate us … we would be as one because this earth’s our home.” (Click to see a video and hear the song).
It may seem trite, but love, like character and compassion, needs to be cultivated, watered, nurtured, grown. Unite for Rights offers us the opportunity to focus and act together out of love. In under one minute you can demonstrate your love for yourself, your children, for others and and for life on the planet we share by becoming a “Uniter” and joining others on the globe.
And when we get on the same globe as “lights for rights” we travel from self-centered to what David Brooks has called “other centered.”
In so doing, we accomplish what is best for ourselves, as well as those with whom we share Earth. When we love each other, we all prosper. The love you give to others they give back to you. To paraphrase Paul Coelho in the The Alchemist, “When you conspire on behalf of the world, the world conspires on behalf of you.” So it is with Unite for Rights and an International Bill of Rights .
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